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發表於 2023-11-8 14:57:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
To achieve sales when compiling a list of possible customers, it is essential to know your target . From socio demographic characteristics to their interests, up to their daily browsing habits. Only in this way will it be possible to propose the right offer to the right people , identifying the tools and tone of voice best suited to generating conversions, without wasting budget. IT IS THE SOURCE OF TRAFFIC THAT DETERMINES THE SUCCESS OF A LEAD GENERATION ACTIVITY success activities lead generation.jpg True, but only if you consider the tip of the iceberg, i.e. a partial and simplified functioning of lead campaigns. In reality, for our lead generation plan to prove effective, a preliminary study of the campaign set ups is essential , from the choice of targeting to the times/ways of validating the leads, up to the setting of the analysis and reporting criteria.

If everything works correctly, through the follow up activities, any traffic sources that are photo editing servies not suitable for generating leads inclined to purchase will be immediately identifiable, suggesting how to improve our campaign. FOCUSING ON SINGLE ONE PRODUCT HELPS TO MAXIMIZE LEAD GENERATION Many people think that, given numerous commercial proposals, the most effective lead generation strategy is the one that focuses on a single product/service. The customer's interest in fact starts from a specific product, however a good lead generation campaign cannot be based on watertight compartments. The crucial point will be an overall vision that aims to identify other user needs , starting from a single product.

For example, a company operating in the cosmetics sector will be able to start from sunscreens enhancing trends linked to seasonality in order to collect data capable of revealing to us whether that customer is also interested in anti cellulite treatments or face creams, progressively activating specific choice options. COLLECTING LEAD IS A WAY TO GET ADVERTISED network contacts.jpg Partially true, but not entirely. In reaching customers who are truly interested in our products, we first carry out market research.


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