Your organization may choose to emphasize themes, but always consider how your content contributes to your overall narrative as an organization. 4. Don’t Strive to Distract – Tweet: Most content is still crap because people view it as a means to an end, according to Ian Lurie. push your site’s rankings up, or distract your audience from the fact you’re not doing anything actually interesting? Well, then you’re content marketing for all the wrong reasons.
Brainstorm with Word Maps – In one of the more unusual hacks I’ve encountered, Anthony Pensabene Clean Email admits he uses word maps to draw out associations and get started on tough topics. Who knows, you could have a major creative breakthrough or even generate a great piece of visual content for your audience. 6. Evolve – Tweet: @MicheleLinn Do you ever get tired of hearing “provide value” to your audience? While I’m no closer to figuring out exactly what value is than you are, I think Content Marketing Institute’s Michele Linn is on to something when she advises her audience to continually evolve and improve.

It will only get you closer to your goals! 7. Be a Scientist – Tweet: @LeoWid Buffer’s not just an incredibly successful company. They’re also fabulous at content, and Leo Widrich recently revealed that much of their success is due to experiments on everything from headlines to social media promotion. Don’t be afraid to try something new, but be sure to record your blogging metrics and apply your new found intelligence. 8. Get Help -Tweet: @SavvyLuke As Luke Summerfield points out, content is an organizational initiative.