Key Takeaways Crowdsourced feedback tools like Helpfull enable business to tap into thousands of audience members across the United States Through digital surveying and other forms of testing customers share their thoughts and experiences with businesses in realtime The best practice for getting crowdsourced feedback involves regularly inviting audiences to critique your work not just before your product launches but afterwards as well you receive from your core audiences is one of the most effective tactics for maintaining a successful business in the longtermIt seems like it was just
New Years Day but Cyber Monday is just around the corner No matter how fast it might feel like the year has passed by its time for small business owners to start getting ready for the annual rush of consumers With the current deluge of supply chain India Phone Number problems and out of stock products thats going to be more difficult than ever There are a few ways that concerned operators of smaller eCommerce businesses can get ready regardless of what they might be dealing with however You may want to start out by looking for alternate suppliers if youve run into some issues with getting needed merchandise Reevaluating
Your Current Logistics Workflows Chances are that youve already worked out the kinks involved with shipping products to your clients Youll probably need to offer free shipping during the Christmas season if you dont already but you shouldnt run into too many problems with that end of the equation On the other hand your suppliers may have been telling you that theyre out of stock of many products If you can then place some large orders now so that merchandise will get to you in time to be shipped out later this month Dont be afraid to work with a different supplier than you normally would.