I imagine him as the typical detective in his office weaving threads and connecting clues or ideas on the wallapproach is that all the complexity of people and the world seems to have been reduced to a scenario where only relations of use and consumption exist within a market context. The individualistic bias that it seems to entail has also been questioned, by focusing on the singular figure of a user and their individual experience, without considering the social and cultural contexts to which they belong. In essence, it is criticized that the notion of "user" makes an excessively small cut from people's reality, and in doing so erases crucial aspects of their relationships both with the objects in their environment and with other individuals.
This is considered a great loss for analysis, and in particular for qualitative research, a field that has traditionally been nourished by contextual richness to develop dense descriptions of it. ...the individualistic bias that it seems to entail has been Brazil Mobile Number List questioned, by focusing on the singular figure of a user and their individual experience, without considering the social and cultural contexts to which they belong. Methodological challenges The second issue we want to talk about in this article has to do with the methodological difficulties encountered in qualitative research in the field of UX.
Among the most common challenges we are going to mention two: the false expectations created around this type of research or the ways in which the results are translated to the business context. In the first case, we refer to the often mistaken expectations that are placed in this type of research with users, as the researcher is expected to provide solid, irrefutable evidence and forceful statements based on a large sample. This kind of expectation reflects a misunderstanding about the type of results that can be expected from user-centered design, since the knowledge generated by this practice is not always uniquely measurable nor necessarily scalable.