Ad Formats ActiveRevenue currently
Select the preferred ad format from the available options which include pop ads, push notifications, floating push notifications, zeroclick ads, and calendar push notification campaigns. Just complete the rest of the steps to finish the process.It usually takes up to minutes to get the traffic on your site after the campaign approval. You can choose either of the following pricing models; cost per click CPC or cost per impressions CPM campaigns.Ad Formats ActiveRevenue currently supports four types of ad formats including push notifications, floating push France WhatsApp Number Data domain redirect, and pop. Let us discuss the available formats in detail. ActiveRevenue Ad FormatsPush Notifications One of the most significant formats are push notifications where the ads are displayed as regular messages when delivered to the users. Therefore, increasing the probability of click through rates and conversion chances.
Users need to provide permission to publishers before they can receive the messages.ActiveRevenue Push NotificationsSome of the benefits of using push notifications are that they unmatched ad visibility, create a sense of urgency, advanced customization options, higher CTR, and potential users.Floating Push The floating push covers the ground where push notifications lack, that is the need for approval before displaying the alerts.