Opportunities for the renewable industry
Renewable energies have the continued support of all actors in society, citizens, corporations and governments.
Its technology allows exploitation, leaving aside other harmful resources and moving towards a sustainable economy.
However, in Spain, the energy policy is not entirely clear, and there are many challenges to overcome.
A competitive and sustainable technology
Renewable energy, at a global level, and according to the data published by IRENA – International Renewable Energy Agency, is increasingly competitive.
In 2016, maximum records for the generation capacity of these types of energy were reached. In 2017 the cost of power installation and generation have decreased at a good pace.
Although Spain is one of the countries in the world with the greatest potential, the Association of Renewable Energy Companies warned last year of the loss of competitiveness of the industry.
After the stoppage caused by the 2012 moratorium, a large number of projects are now emerging concentrated in the short term, which makes their viability at least questionable.
Government Support
This summer, the G20 presented an action plan on climate and energy focusing on renewable energies.
The awareness of countries and international institutions is becoming increasingly committed to combating climate change by supporting the promotion of these energies.
Recently, the EU has set a minimum rate of 32% for renewable energy by 2030, after tough negotiations between the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission.
The agreement falls between the aspirations of the countries (27%) and the European Parliament (35%) to meet the European objectives of the Paris Agreement against climate change.
The objective achieved comes after countries such as Spain or Italy advocated in a Council of European Energy Ministers for a higher ambition than initially planned.
However, Spain has not Ecuador Mobile Number List yet presented the expected firmness in terms of government support.
Although renewable energies have until now been the main factor in real reduction of the country's emissions, in 2012 the Government drastically stopped the installation of new power, something from which the sector has not yet recovered.
Economic growth opportunity
With this panorama of the sector in Spain, it becomes more attractive for companies to look abroad.
The renewable energy sector has a growing market that opens up important and interesting job prospects, loaded with demands for specialists, analysts or technicians, whether to work directly or indirectly.
Employment data in the solar and wind sector has doubled in the last four years and during 2016, again according to data from an IRENA report, more than 9.8 million people found work within the renewable energy sector .
Countries such as China, Brazil, the United States, Japan, India and Germany are the ones at the forefront of job offers in the sector, as well as renewable development, whether wind or solar.
Corporate PPAS (Power Purchase Agreement) represent a wide range of possibilities for the growth of renewables.
The drop in the costs of renewable energy and the consequent possibility of offering competitive prices has given rise to the proliferation of PPAS throughout the world, a formula that also allows solving the main barrier to growth in the sector, the financing of renewable projects.
In this context, it is still pending to develop in Spain these long-term energy purchase contracts at a pre-established price between a producer and a consumer that allow this type of flows to be modeled with greater certainty.
Until now, the regulatory model for renewables in Spain and changes in energy policy limited this possibility.
Opportunities for the renewable industry
Opportunities for the renewable industry
Best investment options
The fact that large countries have prioritized the reduction of their emissions is a highly relevant cause in the decarbonization process and the awareness of the change that has occurred.
One of these examples is China, which currently leads the supply of jobs worldwide, with more than 3.5 million people in the sector.
The progress registered in African countries also stands out.
Following the European Union and Africa business forum, held last April, the investment of 3.35 billion euros in the African continent was approved.
In addition, the African Union reiterated its commitment to cooperate in the promotion of renewables on the continent.