sultanafarjana 發表於 2024-3-9 14:26:17

This is also one of the benefits of a website

And you can maintain these results for a very long time because basically, the website has been optimized for SEO, is well recognized by Google and you just need to maintain them. Miko Tech helps you design business websites quickly and professionally. The website carries a brand impression, easily reaching customers and promoting business efficiency. 2. Increase ROI ROI (Return On Investment) is the ratio of profits earned compared to investment costs. The higher the ROI, the more effective the business operations are.for businesses. Increase ROI thanks to SEO Increase ROI thanks to SEO With SEO, you can: Estimate the profit earned from the amount of traffic coming in Improve the conversion rate of each keyword, improving revenue Analyze and evaluate the current status of the business website 3.

Long-term investment Besides, advertising through Google Ads is also a benefit the website Email Data brings. The website will help you get quick results as soon as you pay the fee. However, if you stop paying this fee, all results will quickly disappear. Unlike this form of advertising, SEO is a long process and does not bring immediate results. That's why SEO brings more sustainable results . After a period of effective SEO construction and optimization, your website can still be in the top search results, still attract completely free traffic and bring in customers without needing to deploy other advertising strategies. . 4. Flexible, directing customers according to their wishes Website is also a form of Owned Media - a media channel owned by the "owner". Owned Media Owned Media Because the website is Owned Media , it will have benefits that only Owned Media has.

For example, when there is a new campaign, your website can easily navigate users on the page the way you want such as internal links, website banners, etc. Without any additional costs. Learn more about effectively navigating users through Mega menus Owned media leads to Earned Media - media channels obtained thanks to brand strength. Earned Media Earned Media When a website is attractive and the content is engaging, electronic newspapers and users on social media will pay attention, and from there the website can expand into Earned Media. Earned media is 88% more trustworthy to customers than a pure owned media channel. 5. Collect data of potential customers Effective website SEO helps businesses collect data about user behavior through searches and access to articles on their website. From there, you create a premise to increase conversion rates and receive larger amounts of traffic.

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